Masonic Temple-A

Celestial Harp for Rosicrucian Society at Masonic TempleĀ  June 29, 2010

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The Masonic Temple on Annette St., Toronto, ON.

The Roscrucian Society coordinated with the Masonic Temple to present a performance of the Celestial Harp. Nial Good was the person who made it all happen.

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The Celestial Harp in the centre of the temple room.

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A painting on the temple wall as you enter.

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Nial Good heading the meeting.

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Mystics in discussion!

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Jesse Footit just prior to his performance.

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Robin Armstrong starts the performance.

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A mystical audience for a mystical instrument. Deep appreciation!

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A perfect environment for the Celestial Harp.

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Robin reaching for a note.

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The Celestial Harp at the centre of the Masonic Temple.

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Three on the Celestial Harp. Jesse Footit starts!

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Lisa Swarbrick and Jesse Footit

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Lisa Swarbrick and Jese Footit.

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Chanting into the Celestial Harp.

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The Masonic Temple is on the corner of Aziel St. and Annette St.

Aziel is the name of a spirit. I used Franz Bardon Magical Evocation book to look up the sigil, astrological sector and meaning of Aziel. From this the musical composition was arranged. We were playing an evocation to Aziel in the Masonic Temple at the corner of Aziel St.

To my surprize the was also a special chair in the temple dedicated to Franz Bardon. It was a special completion all around.

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Above us in the temple was a circle of the Zodiac with the signs and sigils within it. It certainly made me feel at home.

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An Adventure in Time and Space