Tuning Systems

Tuning Systems for the Celestial Harp

Tuning System 01 : 1985 There were many at the beginning but I did not count or keep them all. Many people offered suggestions. I started keeping the tuning systems that were recorded with.

01-Celestial Harp Tuning System 01

It started from here! Thanks to Brian Roche.

01-Celestial Harp Tuning System 01b

01-Celestial Harp Tuning System 01c

01-Celestial Harp Tuning System 01d


01-Celestial Harp Tuning System 01e

Tuning System 2 came Sept. 22, 1986 from Brian Roche

02-Celestial Harp Tuning System 02

1986-09-00 CHarp Tuning System 02-orig8

Tuning System 3: Jan. 1987 from Brian Roche

3-Celestial Harp Tuning System 03b

Tuning System 4: March 14, 1992 from Orest Tataryn

4-Celestial Harp Tuning System 04

4-Celestial Harp Tuning System 04b

Tuning System 5: May 9, 1992

5-Celestial Harp Tuning System 05

Tuning System 6: May 12, 1992 from Brian Roche

06-Celestial Harp Tuning System 06a

06-Celestial Harp Tuning System 06b

Tuning System 7: Nov. 1994 from Brian Roche

07-Celestial Harp Tuning System 07a

07-Celestial Harp Tuning System 07b

This system was put on the Celestial Harp the first time on Apr. 22, 1995 at 9:11 pm. but it was only on for about  month when I went back to the previous system.

07-Celestial Harp Tuning System 07c

This system was put back on the Celestial Harp on Aug. 12, 1995 at 3:28 am.

07-Celestial Harp Tuning System 07d

Tuning System 8: (an adaptation of system 7 by Robin Armstrong) June 9, 1996 and it was put onto the Celestial Harp the next day.

08-Celestial Harp Tuning System 08a

08-Celestial Harp Tuning System 08b


08-Celestial Harp Tuning System 08c

Tuning System 9:March 9, 1998 by Robin

09 Celestial Harp Tuning System 09a

09 Celestial Harp Tuning System 09b

Tuning System 10: June 28, 1998 at 12:12 am

10 Celestial Harp Tuning System 10a

There were a few minor changes from system 9

10 Celestial Harp Tuning System 10b

System 11:  1998 Blues Tuning from a friend who stopped by once and figured it out. His name was not recorded on it.

11 Celestial Harp Tuning System 11a

11 Celestial Harp Tuning System 11b

Before going to System12 a new cleaner  form was made and the tuning systems 8 to 10 were redrawn.

12-CH-tuning System #08

12-CH-tuning System #09

12-CH-tuning System #10 W Stirng Thickness

12-CH-tuning System #11-blues

Tuning System 12: Apr. 27, 2003 by Robin. This was a big jump to chromatic tuning. Also the string thickness was added for ease in replacing.

12-CH-tuning System #12 W Stirng Thickness

Tuning System 13: Apr. 20, 2007 This was a slight adjustment of quadrants.

13-CH-tuning System #13 W Stirng Thickness

And this is where it has stayed for 9 years!

The chromatic system enabled the harp to align with piano and many other instruments. But it did take years to get used to.

But in 2015 the tuning system was changed for A=440 to A=432.  I did not expect much of a change, but instantly it was remarkable and profound. An deeper emotional quality emerged. It really felt different but also more directly to my heart.

From here on in it will be A=432!







An Adventure in Time and Space