The Universe and Mr. Otto (2007)


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The Universe and Mr. Otto on the Celestial Harp (2007)

Mr. Otto told his students and friends that the universe vibrates to the rhythms of 8 and 13. This cd is an exploration into the universe of 8 and 13.

The material on this cd came out of attempts to experience and develop a feel for the rhythms of 8 beat patterns and 13 beat patterns.
It started with clapping the rhythms, then went onto the Celestial Harp, percussive instruments, the oboe, and finished with the chanting of the rhythms.
The counting was done internally without using a metronome. There is no looping. All the material was performed continuously. There are no random sounds. Everything is based on a foundation of either 8 or 13. There are some 16, 24, 26, and 39 beat expressions. The pieces are presented so that the listener can with some concentration follow the rhythms. This is best done with the clapping and the chanting pieces.

There were two musicians performing on this cd: Gary Armstrong & Robin Armstrong

Tuning System #12

Photo art work by Arlene Cieslewicz

Cover design by Robin Armstrong

Cover and labels printed by Printer Gateway,

Mixed and mastered by Robin Armstrong

©2007 RA Publications, Toronto, ON.


Track 01:    Intersection 104 …………………..6:01
Robin Armstrong on the Celestial Harp,
Gary Armstrong on Oboe,  8 & 13

Track 02:    8th Street Crib …………….    6:41
Robin Armstrong, clapping  rhythms of 8

Track 03:    13th Street Crib ……………..    5:58
Robin Armstrong, clapping rhythms of 13

Track 04:    104th Street Meet …………………..5:31
Robin Armstrong, clapping rhythms of 8 & 13

Track 05:    Dogon Sirius ……………….    6:58
Robin Armstrong on the Celestial Harp,
and other percussive instruments  8 & 13

Track 06:    Rosetta Stone …..        6:11
Robin Armstrong on the Celestial Harp,
and other percussive instruments,  8 & 13

Track 07:    Freakin’ Warped …………………..6:46
Robin Armstrong on the Celestial Harp,
Gary Armstrong on Oboe,  8 & 13

Track 08:    Monks 13  ………………………..    5:55
Robin Armstrong, voice,  rhythms of 13

Track 09:    Monks 8 ……………….    6:24
Robin Armstrong, voice,  rhythms of 8

Track 10:    Prayer 104 …..    6:30
Robin Armstrong, voice,  rhythms of 8 & 13


An Adventure in Time and Space