Celestial Harp Live at the Music Gallery (1992)
The Celestial Harp was designed to express astrological concepts and to play a person’s horoscope, or the horoscope of the moment being played. Each of the 72 strings has a definite relationship to one of the 64 hexagrams in the I Ching.
This is the first public performance of the Celestial Harp Sept. 19, 1992 at 8:00 pm.
There are six artists performing: Peter Elliott, Sharon Wiener, Kathy Armstrong, Orest Tataryn, Brian Roche, and Robin Armstrong.
Instrumentation: the Celestial Harp, snake charming flute, drums, saxophone, sitar, melodica, voices, percussion and bird calls.
This was the fifth cd recorded and published of the Celestial Harp.
Tuning System #4
The cover design and photo by Robin Armstrong
Recorded Live at the Music Gallery
Mastered by Robin Armstrong
©1992 RA Publications, Toronto, ON.
Track 01: Affirmation 20’10’
(1 on the Celestial Harp)
Sharon Wiener, vocals.
Peter Elliott, vocals.
Robin Armstrong , Celestial Harp.
Track 02: Light in the Rainforest 6’12”
(2 on the Celestial Harp)
Peter Elliott, vocals, bird calls, percussion.
Orest Tataryn , Celestial Harp.
Robin Armstrong , Celestial Harp.
Track 03: Bull and Serpent 5’00”
3 on the Celestial Harp
Orest Tataryn , Celestial Harp.
Peter Elliott, Celestial Harp.
Kathy Armstrong, Drums.
Robin Armstrong , Celestial Harp.
Track 04: Calling the Tortoise 8’38”
2 on the Celestial Harp
Brian Roche, Saxophone.
Orest Tataryn , Celestial Harp.
Robin Armstrong, Celestial Harp.
Track 05: Triptych 2’34”
3 on the Celestial Harp
Orest Tataryn , Celestial Harp.
Peter Elliott, Celestial Harp.
Robin Armstrong , Celestial Harp.
Track 06: Spirits of the Sand 9’49”
3 on the Celestial Harp
Peter Elliott, vocals.
Sharon Wiener, vocals.
Kathy Armstrong, Drums.
Orest Tataryn , Celestial Harp.
Brian Roche, Celestial Harp.
Robin Armstrong, Celestial Harp, Snake Charming Flute.
Track 07: Planet Scope: Sept. 19, 1992, 8 to 10 pm 2’58”
6 on the Celestial Harp
Peter Elliott, Celestial Harp.
Sharon Wiener, Celestial Harp.
Kathy Armstrong, Celestial Harp.
Orest Tataryn , Celestial Harp.
Brian Roche, Celestial Harp.
Robin Armstrong, Celestial Harp.
Track 08: Memoires d’Amour 7’40”
2 on the Celestial Harp
Peter Elliott, Melodica.
Kathy Armstrong, Drums.
Orest Tataryn , Celestial Harp.
Robin Armstrong, Celestial Harp.
Track 09: Flying Dragon 10’15”
Brian Roche, Celestial Harp.
Orest Tataryn , Celestial Harp.
Robin Armstrong, Celestial Harp.